Hi, my name is

João Pedro Müller

I'm a Software Engineer specialized in building Web Apps and Web Services.


< 01. About me >

With more than 3 years of experience in the area, I have extensive knowledge in web development. Throughout my career, I've led web development teams and performed the role of technical leader, defining the project's patterns, technologies and methods.


< 02. Experience >

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April 2021 - Now

Development focused on web apps, using TypeScript, Next.js, React, JavaScript, jQuery, Tailwind CSS, Sass, among other technologies.

< 03. Projects >

Full Stack E-commerce Website

Complete e-commerce using the following tools:

NextJS + TypeScript + Strapi + GraphQL + Stripe + Auth0 + Cloudinary

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See more information about the project

Kanban Board

CrisduLabs' own Kanban, integrated with the company's ERP. An application created with customizations, graphics, filters and unique functionalities, awarded as TOP 13 in Innovation and Transformation in Brazil, by AEVO, in the year 2023.

Vendas Plus 3.0

A virtual office used by over 1,000 distributors. Created as a PWA, the application provides all information and functionalities to the company's distributors.


My first step into the React world: a music player. A symphony of code and passion for music converged in this project.

Franciele Krüger's landing page

A fully customized landing page for selling info products, built using: NextJS + TypeScript + SASS + Framer Motion.

Karoline Engel's landing page

A consultancy-focused landing page, built using: NextJS + TypeScript + TailwindCSS + Jotai + Framer Motion.

Camargo de Abreu's landing page

A landing page for showcasing a law and advisory firm, built using: NextJS + TypeScript + TailwindCSS + Jotai + Framer Motion.

< 04. Contact >

Feel free to get in touch with me.

I'm always open to share knowledge and experiences.

Say hi